Thursday, September 21, 2006

Grandparents start the fun early

The Grandparents left Winnemucca this morning heading for Boise. The plan was to be in Boise by early afternoon. For those of you who have made this trip it is a monotonous with sage and open range with not so many towns or people or services. Kind of like going across Nevagda on I80 but without so many places to stop. There are however, lots of cows and coyotes. Cell phone service is mostly not. Anyway, 45 minutes out of Winnemucca the Grandparents decide to blow out a tire.

If you look close at the picture you can see a car at the side of the road. That would be the grandparents. Luckily, there is a spare and Grandpa has changed a couple tires in his career as farmer. But the big question of the day - how far can one go on a donut spare anyway? I guess we will find out. So here we wait to find out if they make it to civilization or wether we need to make a trip to Jordan Valley, OR to rescue them or ? what we do know is they won't be here anytime soon.

Three hours later...............

Well, we just got the call that they found a spare tire and got it put on and they are headed our way. They are about 45 minutes away so that is good news. The bead news is that we put off cleaning the house as we weren't sure if we had to go get them. Hopefully they make it without further problems. I am off to clean the house and my children have a mind to do the opposite we shall see how it turns out.

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