Tuesday, June 05, 2007

No change........yet

Well, the other night I was getting our little 2.5 yr old ready for bed. He decided it would be interesting to swallow a nickel. I heard him make a funny gulping noise and what had been a nickel in his hand became a nickel in his belly. So far no nickels have reappeared but no problems either. We called and the recommendation was to watch and wait if there were no obvious problems. So we watch and wait. What fun to search for hidden treasures.


Rob said...

Did the doctor say "Watch him carefully for any change?"

Hee, I kill me.

Left Coast Sister said...

Ouch. i wonder what inspires them to do such fun activities. At least he can say, " thanks for your 2 cents. I've got 5". har har.

Amy said...

So? Outcome?

Six of us! said...

Hey, just wanted to say HI. Our blog is stickelfam.blogspot.com I stumbled across your blog and have enjoyed the updates this morning. The recent cousin pics are sooo cute. Your kids look so much older than they did in Detroit!