Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Not to be outdone my son takes aturn at the keyboard Age 1.75

c hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmhhhhhhhhhyhhhhhhmmmmmhm / kkjkb kjkbkkbkbkkkkkkjkkj8kj kjjk kj kjk kj cvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoy hhhhhhhhhhhhhhjuguuuggmnnmmnmnmmjh

Don't they say that if you took an infinite number of monkeys and let them type away for eternity they would eventually write all of the great books. I think Bob Newhart did a routine where he walked around the monkeys and checked on their progress. He came on one monkey and he read on the screen. "To be or not to be that is the gafornenplat."

I don't think think this little monkey is going to have much to publish anytime soon.


Rob said...

Just catching up on your blog.
In all the yrs I have known you, I guess I never read anything you wrote. In my opinion, you're really good at it -- I had no idea...
I kind of expected it from your wife, but it's really cool to see it from you, especially given that you were never a huge talker in our younger years. Maybe it was just that I talked so much you never got a chance, not sure.
Anyway, I've enjoyed the posts.

SoozeSchmooze said...

To add to Bryan's comment I want to say your wit and great sense of humor has been preserved and even grown with life's happenings...I am so glad...I also have enjoyed reading your posts!! Susie.