OK, I am likely to get some flak for this post. If I were smart I would stop right here but....
I didn't. I have noticed with the onset of the Xmas season that there is always an increase in so called homeless people stationed at intersections with their placards requesting money, food, work, beer, etc. Now, I am aware that I am privileged and considered middle class. I don't want for food, shelter, etc. I also realize that some of these people do have legitimate problems but I have also noticed that a fair number of these indigent people are wearing nice
name brand clothes that I can't afford. Maybe they are just lucky and someone gifted them a nice North Face jacket and some Timberland boots. Maybe our homeless in Boise are better off then those in Michigan.
Every time I sit there at the intersection I just think to myself that there has to be a better way to make a living then standing in 35 degrees at an intersection hoping someone will give me money, work, food, beer, etc. I am sure the reason why many of these people are there instead of at a more conventional job is because they have problems with alcohol and or drugs and or mental illness and they can't hold down a job. I guess once again, I am thankful that I don't have any terrible addictions, significant mental illness (notice I didn't rule it out), or other issues that require me to stand at a corner soliciting passersby for my money, work,food, beer, etc. There was one time that I thought I might get laid off from work. I told my coworkers that if I was laid off I would sit at the intersection by the hospital I worked at with a placard that would read, "Will do Speech Therapy for food." Thankfully it never happened.
I thought I was done but one other thing popped into my head. I always wonder how much these panhandlers make in a day. It has to be worth it. I heard on NPR one story that is only slightly related but I found interesting. I heard that during the holidays that doorman in NYC can make $15,000 in tips during the Xmas season. That seems insane to me but I suppose it may not be the greatest job and you do live in NYC with a high cost of living but but but. I am one that in my 12 years of working has not once
received a holiday bonus except for a free ham, turkey, or 20$ gift certificate to a grocery store all of which I was thankful for. Just think if you were the doorman and you happened to get sick in the month of Dec. that would really stink. OK, I am done now.