I had a busy day today. I think it all worked out ok but the start of the day seemed like a bad dream. Because "The Wife" (my mothers favorite moniker) was away in Nashville at a conference it was my pleasure to wake the kids up, get them dressed, hair styled and out the door by 7am so I wouldn't be late for work. We were almost out the door on time when I realized that my keys were not where I always put them.
This is an aside so I am am typing
it here. I am one of those
people that has a place for things
I make sure that I put things in
their place and I am not forever
looking for things like so one else in
my marriage. Anyway, the good
thing is that my stuff is where
it is supposed to be 99.8% of the
time. The problem is that the .2% of
the time it is not there I know I
am in trouble. So back to our
scheduled story.
So, I start to panic. I only have one set of keys. My wife is 1928.65 miles away with the second set.
Sorry another aside
I won't go into what happened to
the backup set of keys. I will just
say refer to the aside and you can
probably guess which member of
the household put them in a special
place where they haven't been seen
for the last 3 months.
I start looking around just in case I had put them elsewhere which was not likely. As I am looking i have a fuzzy memory from the night before. i had been on the phone with our realtor and we were trying to work out some house issues. i remember a couple of little munchins getting into my bag. They had my phone, wallet, and oh no I think maybe ......................the keys. I then take all the kids out to the car just in case they might be there. No such luck. We all go back in to search. 4 yr old daughter not being too helpful. "Dad I don't know where we put them." I check my pants pocket no such luck. I try to look around all the rooms encouraging the kids to find them. 2 yr old son is walking around saying "Daddy keys Daddy keys" over and over again. He is also not being to helpful as he is rummaging in some toys and then I look over at him and he is clutching a little handful of "Daddy keys". I had no hope that he would have it in his little brain to remember where he had put them and that he wouldn't be tempted by various toys when it came to the job of finding the keys. Life was good again and off we rushed to daycare and work where we made it on time.