Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What things do we sleep with?

This question was posed on Will Ya or Won't Ya. I thought I would post a picture of our #2 with some of his bed mates.
You will note:
3 books
1 stuff elephant
1 firechief hat
1 doll aka Baby Bob
1 pillow
2 blankets not actually on child
various other things likely underneath child but unobservable


Amy said...

:) Thanks for the visual! As I laid my own son down in his toy chest, I mean bed, I was tempted to take a picture as well...but then forgot as moms tend to do. Now that I have a computer that I can upload on I'll have to add one though!
We have a baby similar to Bob but his name is Brother. :)

Didge said...

Funny boy. These things are all approved to be in a child's crib of course. Glad to see you following all the strict parenting guidelines.

Rob said...

I don't have snuggle toys* for naptime any more, but I must confess to being extremely happy to bed down every night where it's warm, dry, and soft.
I've probably only spent a dozen or so nights cold, wet, or uncomfortable, but a little of that goes a long way to making you appreciate comfort.

*I sometimes think about Angelina Jolie, but I hear she's taken...